Learn Spanish while you learn about this Spanish artist. Learn some Spanish vocabulary about art and the life of this famous artist of Spain. Transcript available: Luis Buñuel - Spanish Culture
Personajes españoles
Learn Spanish while you learn about Salvador Dalí. Learn some Spanish art vocabulary and the life of this famous artists of Spain. Transcript available: Learn Spanish: Salvador Dalí (2ª parte) - Spanish Culture
Learn Spanish with Salvador Dalí. In this episode we talk about his life. You can learn some Spanish art vocabulary and the curious life of one of the most famous artists of Spain. Transcript available: Salvador Dalí - Spanish Culture
Lola Flores is one of the most important artists of the twentieth century in Spain. His passion, his personality and his life are remembered by all Spaniards. Learn Spanish while you know about her life. Transcript available: Lola Flores - Spanish Culture
Ramon y Cajal was a Spanish physician and researcher who won the Nobel prize. Improve your Spanish while you meet this historical figure. Transcript available. Ramón y Cajal - Spanish Culture
We talk about a interesting painter: Velázquez. He is one of the greatest painters of all time. Learn Spanish with this episode. Transcript available. Diego Velázquez - Spanish culture
Catalina de Erauso - We talk about a interesting Spanish historial figure: The liutenant nun. She was a woman trying to look like a man. Learn Spanish with this episode. She was a personality of the Basque Country, Spain and Spanish America in the first half of the 17th century. Transcripción completa Catalina de Erauso
Today we'll tell you about one of the most famous and romantic historical legends of our country. One fateful and passionate love story that took place in the small but beautiful city of Teruel in the late Middle Ages. Transcript available: Los amantes de Teruel - Spanish Culture
We talk about a little-known but also interesting historial figure: Egeria. She was the first traveler and adventurer woman who is known. Transcript available on our website: La dama Egeria - Spanish Culture.
Antonio Gaudí es uno de los arquitectos más conocidos del estilo modernista. Hoy hablamos sobre él y su obra. Antonio Gaudí es uno de los arquitectos más imaginativos que hayan existido jamás, hoy en día muchos turistas visitan España para ver sus obras. Transcripción disponible: Antonio Gaudí - Spanish Culture