Learn Spanish while learning about animal rights in Spain. Improve your Spanish oral comprehension by listening to this Spanish lesson and using the transcript. Learn Spanish: Animal rights in Spain
What's the meaning of defensa numantina? Learn Spanish by Listening. In this Spanish lesson you will learn a widely used Spanish expression and you'll practice speaking. Learn some culture and history while improving your Spanish speaking skills. Learn to speak Spanish like a Spanish native speaker. ¿Qué significa defensa numantina? Esta es una expresión del español relacionada con la historia. Aprende algo de de cultura y de historia mientras mejoras tu nivel de español y aprendes a hablar como los nativos. Transcript available - Learn Spanish: Defensa numantina
Learn Spanish with the Celts and Celtiberians. Improve your Spanish oral comprehension while learning history. Spanish by listening. Transcript available. - ¿Quieres fueron los celtas? ¿Dónde vivieron los celtas? ¿Cómo eran los celtas? ¿Qué hacían los celtas? ¿Cuándo vivieron los celtas? ¿Por qué son importantes en la historia de España? Learn Spanish - Celts and Celtiberians
Learn Spanish with the conquest of America. Learn Spanish with history. Improve your Spanish oral comprehension with this Spanish lesson. I talk about how the discovery of America was made and what happened next. Transcript available: The Conquest of America - Learn Spanish
Learn Spanish by listening to this lesson about the Spanish-American War. Learn Spanish with history. What were the causes? What happened in Cuba? What were the consequences? Transcript available Spanish American War - Learn Spanish podcast
Learn Spanish with the Canary Islands. Where are they? What can be done in the Canary Islands? What food is available in the Canary Islands? Transcript available - Aprende español con las Islas Canarias. ¿Dónde están las Islas Canarias? ¿Qué puedes hacer en las Islas Canarias? ¿Qué puedes comer en las Islas Canarias? Transcripción disponible: Canary Islands - Learn Spanish
Learn Spanish and history: Black Legend. La leyenda negra es un concepto sobre la historia de España muy interesante. En esta lección puedes aprender español mientras hablamos sobre la conquista de América, de la Inquisición y de la leyenda negra en la actualidad. Transcripción disponible: Black Legend - Learning Spanish
Learn Spanish by listening to this episode about cycling. We talk about professional and amateur cycling. Aprende español escuchando este episodio sobre ciclismo. Hablamos sobre ciclismo profesional y aficionado. Transcript available Ciclismo - Learn Spanish
Today we're talking about politics, independence and the current situation of Catalonia. Learn Spanish with current news from our country. What is happening in Catalonia? Transcript available: What's going on in Catalonia? - ¿Qué está ocurriendo en Cataluña
What is tourism phobia? What is happening in Spain? Learn Spanish listening to this episode while you learn about current issues in tourism. Transcript: Turismofobia - Tourismphobia EP276