Today you will learn Spanish learning about global warming and climate change. We talked about these two topics, learn Spanish while you learn about the causes, the consecuences and how we can fight against it. Transcript available: El cambio climático - Climate change
Benefits of studying, working or living abroad. Improve your Spanish listening to this episode. Would you like to visit Spain? En este episodio hablamos de algunas ventajas de viajar al extranjero, temporalmente o permanentemente. Transcript available: Salir al extranjero - To Go Abroad
Let's talk about an important verb of the Spanish language, let's talk about the verb haber. Haber is used as an auxiliary verb, but haber has also its own meaning. ¿Conoces los significados del verbo haber? ¿Sabes para qué más se utiliza en español? ¡Es muy interesante! Transcript: El verbo Haber - Spanish verb Haber
Today we talk about inspiration. Inspiration is necessary for artists but also for anyone to face the problems in your life. Aprende español escuchando una historia interesante que puede servir de inspiración para ti. Transcript available: El fracaso no es una opción - Language learning motivation
We talk about two different topics: the Spanish general election results and some grammar. We share with you a song very suitable for dancing! Transcript available: Antes que vs antes de - Spanish Grammar
Latinisms are words and expressions that come from Latin. Today, they're still used. Learn some important latinisms you often hear or read in Spanish. We also talked about this in our #136 episode. Transcript available: Latinismos (parte II)
Today we talk about common diseases and symptoms. Health is very important for everyone, so we talk about this topic on this Spanish Lesson. Transcript available: Enfermedades comunes y síntomas
What does the word venga mean? In this episode you will learn when and how this word is used. This word can have multiple meanings. Learn Spanish easily with us! Episode Transcript: Venga ya - Spanish Slang
Spanish abstract vocabulary: thoughts, feelings, ideas... Learn this Spanish vocabulary with this episode. Transcript available: Vocabulario abstracto 2 - Abstract Nouns in Spanish 2
A simple and practice-oriented explanation on the Spanish verbal periphrasis. A periphrasis is a special construction with at least two verbs. Transcript available: Perífrasis verbales - Verbal periphrasis in Spanish