Tips for visiting Spain. Learn Spanish listening to native speakers and using subtitles. Learn some tips for visiting Spain. If you want to visit our country or you want to study abroad in Spain, listen carefully! Transcript: Tips for visiting Spain (part 2)
Archivos mensuales: julio 2017
Reconquest of Spain: Learn Spanish through history. La reconquista fue un periodo muy largo de nuestra historia. Aprende español con la historia de España escuchando este episodio. Utiliza la transcripción para estudiar y practicar la imitación. Transcripción: Reconquest of Spain: Spanish through history
Today you will learn Spanish and some tips for visiting Spain. If you have thought about coming to our country, there are some recommendations that you must follow. Learn Spanish listening to native Spanish speakers and using subtitles: Tips for visiting Spain - SpanishPodcast
Tener una flor en el culo: What's the meaning of this Spanish expression? Learn Spanish slang listening to native Spanish speakers, practice your pronunciation and the conjugation. Transcrip available. Aprende español escuchando a hablantes nativos, ¿qué significa tener una flor en el culo? Hoy te explicamos esta expresión y podrás practicar la conjugación y la pronunciación. Transcripción: Tener una flor en el culo - Learn Spanish
Sino vs si no differences in Spanish. What is the difference between: sino and si no? Practice Your Spanish Listening Skills and improve your pronunciation. Additionally, I will explain an expression that is widely used in Spanish. Learn Spanish listening to native speakers and improve your Spanish oral comprehension at the same time. Learn Spanish on YouTube. Subtitles available: Learn Spanish: Sino and si no differences
Learn Spnaish with Pedro Almodóvar. Do you know learn Spanish while you learn about the life of Pedro Almodóvar? Learn Spanish listening to our podcast! ¿Te gusta ver películas? ¿Te gusta el cine? Mejora tu español escuchando este episodio mientras conoces la interesante vida de Pedro Almodóvar. Transcript: Pedro Almodóvar - Learn Spanish
Learn Spanish listening to native speakers and using subtitles: Drinking vocabulary in Spanish. How to talk about drinking in Spanish. Learn some vocabulary and expressions about this topic. Subtitles available. Drinking vocabulary in Spanish - Learn Spanish listening
Getting around Spain: Learn Spanish - Today we talk about the means of transport in Spain. What is best to travel around Spain? What is better to move around the city? What is the quality of the services? Learn Spanish while you know how the means of transport work in Spain. En este episodio te hablamos de casi todos los medios de transporte que existen en nuestro país y te explicamos cómo funcionan Transcript: El transporte en España - Learn Spanish
Learn Spanish - Neighborhoods, where do the Spaniards live? Spanish life and culture. In this video we show you a Spanish typical neighborhood while we teach you some Spanish vocabulary in context. Learn Spanish and learn about Spanish life and culture. Where do the Spaniards live? How is a neighborhood in Spain? What kind of shops can you find in a Spanish neighborhood? Subtitles available Spanish neighborhoods - Learn Spanish and Spanish culture