Faltaría más can have several meanings depending on the situation or your voice tone. Discover how to use it! Practice your pronunciation and memorize this idiom with our examples and exercises. Transcript available: Faltaría más
Archivos anuales: 2015
Today we'll tell you about one of the most famous and romantic historical legends of our country. One fateful and passionate love story that took place in the small but beautiful city of Teruel in the late Middle Ages. Transcript available: Los amantes de Teruel - Spanish Culture
We explain the meaning of mucho ruido y pocas nueces an useful idiom widely used in Spain. You will also practice your pronunciation with some examples. Native Spanish speech. Transcript available: Mucho ruido y pocas nueces
We talk about the Muslim invasion of Spain and how this influenced our culture, language and food. Arab people introduced many new and interesting things in Spain. Transcript available. Learn Spanish with this podcast episode. Influencia árabe en España
Time is a crucial resource. Today we share with you some tips to manage time. Learn some Spanish and improve your ability to manage time with this episode. Transcript available: Gestión del tiempo - Time Management
We talk about a little-known but also interesting historial figure: Egeria. She was the first traveler and adventurer woman who is known. Transcript available on our website: La dama Egeria - Spanish Culture.
We explain the meaning of hacer un apaño. Learn Spanish with this podcast episode. Follow us and listen regularly to our podcast to improve your listening and speaking Spanish skills. Transcript available: Hacer el apaño - Spanish Expressions.
Estar en Babia is a Spanish idiom used occasionally. Learn the meaning of estar en Babia and practice pronunciation and conjugation with us. Transcript available. Native Spanish audio. Estar en Babia - Spanish expressions
Tapear is a verb which means 'go and eat tapas!'. In this episode we explain what are tapas and why Spaniards love them. Native Spanish audio. Transcript available. Tapear en España - To Go Out for Tapas in Spain
We celebrate 100 episodes of our podcast. Today we talk about the past and future of SpanishPodcast.net. Transcript available. 100 SpanishPodcast